Monday, November 9, 2020

Food Chain Story


Story 1:


The _______(plant) converts light energy from the sun to chemical potential energy/food during photosynthesis.

_______ (plant)  is eaten by the ______________ (plant eater) and energy is transferred to it.
________(animal eater) eats the ___________(plant eater) and in turn gets energy from the ___________(plant eater).



The _______(plant) converts light energy from the sun to chemical potential energy/food during photosynthesis.

_______ (plant)  is eaten by the ______________ (plant eater) and energy is transferred to it.


*The __________(plant eater) is killed and made into chicken sausage.

________(animal eater) eats the chicken sausage and in turn gets energy from the chicken sausage.

Story 3


Energy can be transfered from one organism to another in the form of food.

The original source of energy comes from the sun.

Monday, September 28, 2020

Set 1B Q36 and Q38


Q36 Responses


Q38 Responses

2019 Booklet A

Q6 Ans: 2
Brightly coloured = high chance flower is pollinated by insect.
Flowers are pollinated between two flowers because the male part and the female part survives at different times. Self pollination(within one flower) is not possible. 

Q8 Ans: 3
Only heart can pump blood. X (gills) and Y (lungs) do not pump blood.

Q11 Ans: 2
Percentage of nitrogen gas stays the same in both inhale and exhale air as it is not involved in respiration.

Q17 Ans: 3
The greater the distance the lamp is from the plant, the lesser light plant receives and it will make food and produce oxygen gas lesser.
The bubbles is the oxygen gas produced by plant.

Q22 Ans: 4
0-10 min: solid ice at 0 degrees celcius to liquid water at  0degrees celcius. Heat is needed for this change to happen.

10-20min: 0 to 100 degrees celcius. Graph shows an increase.

20-30min: Boiling (temperature maintained at boiling temperature of 100 degrees celcius

30-40min: once heat is turned off, heat is lost by boiling water and temperature decreases.

Q26: Ans: 4
When W and X are removed, light did not light up means Y and Z and insulators of electricity. Hence option 4.

Electricity Worksheet

Monday, September 21, 2020

Electricity Lesson Package Pg 13


To find out which material is a conductor or non-conductor (insulator) of electricity


When a light bulb connected to the closed circuit lights up.


Electrical Conductors

Electrical Insulators

ALL metals eg;-
Iron                 Copper
Steel               Nichrome

some non-metals
Salt water
Carbon (graphite)




W and Y are non-conductors (insulators) of electricity.

Sunday, August 30, 2020

Notes pg 7

 1.  There is no difference in the brightness of the bulbs.

2. The more the number of bulbs arranged in parallel in a circuit, the same is the brightness of the bulb

3. The lights that light up the rooms in our houses.

Notes - Electricity

To calculate electrical energy passing through a bulb, use the following ratio;-

1. For bulbs in series,
Number of Batteries ÷ Number of bulbs

2. For bulbs in parallel,
Number of Batteries

3. For batteries in parallel,
number of batteries = number of batteries present in 1 ‘row’

Thursday, August 27, 2020

Notes - Electricity Calculation - Ba/Bu

 To find out electrical energy passing through a bulb, use the following guide;-

For bulbs in series,

Number of Batteries ÷ Number of bulbs

For bulbs in parallel,

Number of Batteries

For batteries in parallel, 

Number of batteries = number of batteries present in 1 ‘row’

Notes - Electricity p4 -p6

 Pg 4 Activity 1

Common factors

1. Positive and negative terminal of battery must be connected

2. There should not be any gap(s) in the circuit

3. The metal casing and metal tip must be connected to the circuit

4. All parts of the circuit must be made of conductors of electricity 

1. circuit

2. bulb/battery/wire

3. tip/casing

4. negative/positive

5. current

6. closed

Pg 5 

Bulb in B lights brighter than Bulb in A

The more the batteries, the brighter the bulb.
A battery is the source of electrical energy in a circuit so the more the battery, the more the electrical energy is converted to light energy.

The bulb may fuse (filament in the bulb will break/melt)

toys (eg remote control car) and torchlight 

Pg 6

A lights up the brightest and C is the least bright (dimmest)

The more the bulbs arranged in series, the less bright (dimmer) is the bulb