Q6 Ans: 2
Brightly coloured = high chance flower is pollinated by insect.
Flowers are pollinated between two flowers because the male part and the female part survives at different times. Self pollination(within one flower) is not possible.
Q8 Ans: 3
Only heart can pump blood. X (gills) and Y (lungs) do not pump blood.
Q11 Ans: 2
Percentage of nitrogen gas stays the same in both inhale and exhale air as it is not involved in respiration.
Q17 Ans: 3
The greater the distance the lamp is from the plant, the lesser light plant receives and it will make food and produce oxygen gas lesser.
The bubbles is the oxygen gas produced by plant.
Q22 Ans: 4
0-10 min: solid ice at 0 degrees celcius to liquid water at 0degrees celcius. Heat is needed for this change to happen.
10-20min: 0 to 100 degrees celcius. Graph shows an increase.
20-30min: Boiling (temperature maintained at boiling temperature of 100 degrees celcius
30-40min: once heat is turned off, heat is lost by boiling water and temperature decreases.
Q26: Ans: 4
When W and X are removed, light did not light up means Y and Z and insulators of electricity. Hence option 4.